Build Stories Faster

IdeaFORGE’s Content Encyclopedia® can contain, and make easy to find, every major question and answer. Your Builders will be able to build stories faster by having the right content at their fingertips, without the need to edit or modify.

Enable Everyone to Build Better Presentations

Live content in IdeaFORGE, whether text, video, slides, or audio, is accurate, high-quality, specific, and focused. Once content goes live it can be used by anyone who is authorized. Empower anyone communicating on behalf of your company to find and be able to use the best content available.

Improve Customer Qualification

Qualification begins with both parties understanding each other. Improve the speed at which you can qualify an opportunity by making available accurate, relevant, and specific information to your prospect.

Improve the functionality of your Content Management System (CMS)

C Content Management Systems were designed to manage documents and files. Issues arise when there are multiple media formats of that file (Text, Video, Slides, etc). IdeaFORGE® can feed your CMS allowing you to organize all content and keep it updated across media formats.