Build Stories Faster

IdeaFORGE’s Content Encyclopedia® can contain, and make easy to find, every major question and answer. Your Builders will be able to build stories faster by having the right content at their fingertips, without the need to edit or modify.

Enable Everyone to Build Better Presentations

Live content in IdeaFORGE, whether text, video, slides, or audio, is accurate, high-quality, specific, and focused. Once content goes live it can be used by anyone who is authorized. Empower anyone communicating on behalf of your company to find and be able to use the best content available.

Improve Customer Qualification

Qualification begins with both parties understanding each other. Improve the speed at which you can qualify an opportunity by making available accurate, relevant, and specific information to your prospect.

Train Employees on Re-brands Faster

Aligning messaging across employees before a re-brand can be a huge endeavor. Using IdeaFORGE® you can train employees quickly on the new words, terms, and tone of your new brand which simultaneously giving them access to all of the material they will need to communicate with their audiences.

Train Employees on New Products Faster

IdeaFORGE® is your organizations most powerful source of information. The same information you use to make a compelling sale to a customer can be used as a foundation for world-class training. Before a new product launches, enable your teams to learn the information by building their training material from that same content. [...]

Build Better Keynote Addresses

Keynotes often contain massive amounts of content from a variety of sources. IdeaFORGE® helps you easily align and access all major ideas required for you to draft a compelling keynote address.

Keep your Employee Handbook Up-to-Date

Your employee handbook and other HR materials will evolve just like other parts of your organization. IdeaFORGE® can optimize how that information is updated and maintained because it all draws from the same source.

Creating The Ultimate Content Roadmap

IdeaFORGE® gives you the power of knowing what information is most important and what your audiences want to learn more about. Our Idea Level® structure for unstructured data enables you to pinpoint needs and gaps in your content allowing you to build a comprehensive library of content.

Enable your Employees to Communicate Better

IdeaFORGE® helps your employees know the best way to articulate ideas by giving them a high-quality source to learn from. Listening to, and following along yourmost talented presenters, employees canbegin to mimic these performances and improve their own presentation skills.

Reduce the Expense of Employee Time Waste

Finding missing documents, recreating “lost” content, duplicating work, and digging through multiple versions to find an old slide are just a few ways your employees waste their time. IdeaFORGE’s unique management of content at the Idea Level® can eliminate many of these common time wasting expenses by being your organization’s single source of content. [...]